I don't know anything about Soul Eater but this is a good artwork.
I don't know anything about Soul Eater but this is a good artwork.
The weapon gives me Borderlands vibes, I like it.
It took me a long time to choose the right colors for this weapon, and I was really thinking about Borderlands weapons when I drew it.
It looks retro, like Unreal 2 The Awakening, I like it.
Thanks a lot ! :)
Very comfy artwork!
Spiral Knights fan art right now in november 2024? Great!
I love the colors!
Not big fan of the design but I think is nice.
EDIT: It reminds me to Tyris Flare, but simplier, in my opinion of course.
"Giving me love, all on your canvas
All of the girls, all on the mattress"
Yo, the nostalgia
Edgyness never dies.
Vi el speedart, me encanta, me recuerda a Wildstar.