Seems like some XCOM 2 scenary.
Seems like some XCOM 2 scenary.
Yea kinda. Thx ! :)
"So, there is, the Node 236, Burger dome."
"I'm hungry. What do you say we try some of the local fare?"
"Despite the place, this is not a giant restaurant, is called burger only for the... Reminiscence."
Thats an interesting dialogue for them :O
i love it
Thank you XxcuchixX, I'm glad you like it
Whoa dude, this is really cool! that creature looks awesome, seems like a creature from Silent hill, dead space or the last of us
Cool and creppy
Thank you very much!
Hotline miami vibes
Mmmh. I should replay that game.
Looks like metro 2033 vehicle
Its was that kind of vibe! Thanks!
Detailed and spooky
Tihi, just as planed ^^
Compared with your other works, this is a "meh" the face don´t have detaild, the white space make look wierd some things of the draw.
thx 4 the critique next time i will definitely carry harder!
Es tu primer dibujo? te quedo bastante bien! me pregunto en que programa lo dibujaste, me alegra ver trabajo hispanohablante en newgrounds
Your first draw? its very good! What program you use for draw? it´s good see work of hispanic people in newgrounds
Hablo español! pero me gusta que gente que hable ingles me entienda! :) lo dibuje con Adobe Flash! Y me alegro que te guste!